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Arclink has a detailed security infrastructure that allows for restricting user access to files along with restricting what users can do dependent on their role. This is accomplished by controlling access to sections and levels combined with two different user categories. Access to files is controlled through granting access to individual sections and levels. This allows for a precise set of rights and privileges to be granted on a user by user basis.

User Types 

Arclink has three categories of users: Admin, section administrators and standard users. The Admin user is the Arclink super user. This user has no restrictions and has full access to all sections, levels and files within Arclink.

Other users are either standard users or can be set as section administrators which grants them advanced rights as an Arclink administrator and depending on the system configuration, may grant them extended rights such as rights to administer the access to all sections they have access to. This can help reduce the load on the main Arclink administrator.

Section administrator rights 

User Groups

  • Ability to administer the access sectrions and levels they have access t0

  • Access to audit data

  • Rights to edit lifecycle records and details including inserting/deleting records

  • Rights to update external customer loan data

User groups are used to group privileges together, allowing them to be assigned to, and updated for, groups of users. Users assigned to a group are granted the group's privileges. Only the Admin user has access to the user groups maintenance function.

User group rights are grouped under three headings

  • File rights

    • These control what actions a user can perform on a file, if any. A user can be flagged as a read-only with no other rights.

  • Loan rights

    • These settings control if a user can request and pick a file for borrowing.

  • Menu rights

    • A user can be granted or denied rights to the non-default menu options. By default, users only have access to the basic menu options which only allow access to the search functions and other minor options.

File access

Access to files within the system is managed by granting or restricting access to sections and levels. A user will never see files linked to sections and levels they do not have rights to. When a new section or level is added, by default, only the Admin user will have access to these.

Note: Arclink can be configured so that levels will inherit the access rights of their immediate parent. Thus, if users have rights to a level and a sub-level is created off that level, these users will automatically be granted rights. The converse holds for users who don't have rights to the parent level. 


Access to sections and levels is based on the hierarchical approach intrinsic to Arclink. A user cannot have rights to a level if access has been denied access to it's section or any level higher up the tree.

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