Borrowing files
Movement of files can be monitored through Arclink’s file tracking features. Administrators can monitor which files are borrowed from a records centre at any given time and which staff members have possession of them. Reports can call up staff loan histories.
File Store managers have access to pick lists to allow requested files to be located and extracted for collection in a timely and efficient manner
Authorization to request or pick files can be controlled via user groups. This is covered in the Security topic.
The process for borrowing a file is that a file is requested by an Arclink user for a staff member using the file borrow option. This is accessible using the right-click menu option ‘Borrow’ (short cut Ctlr+L) or through the Loan tab on the file edit screen.
Once a file is marked as requested, it's icon is changed
to reflect this and the file becomes read-only
bar for the Loans tab. To see the icon legend, select
File -> Help -> Image Legend..
This request can be cancelled using the same options as before. A cancel reason must be entered. Once done, the file returns to the standard state.
To complete the loan request, the records store administrator generates a pick list report, which will assist them in selecting the files for collection. The files that are required can be selected. A listing can be printed. A detailed file report can also be printed for each file to be borrowed. The idea here is that one copy goes with the file and one copy can be left in place of the physical file.
Once a file has been collected, it is marked as picked and the file's status is updated from booked to borrowed and the icon is reflects this as shown above.
When a file is returned, it is marked as returned, and the return date recorded. The file is then in an editable mode again.
File tracking searches and reports
The tracking data associated with loans is available under a number of different searches and reports.
Check loans and history by staff member – this lists all current and historical file loans by staff member
Check loans by section – returns all current loans
Check loans by days – returns all current loans filtered by day
All searches can be filtered and grouped by section and level using the standard section and levels filter.
There are 2 main loan reports –
Files Currently on Loans
Loan Tracker by Site – a list of currents loans filtered by File Site
A history of a file's loan activity is available on each file through the file audit option.